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Prerequisites for this Turkish Vocabulary Lesson
Intro to the Turkish AlphabetTurkish letters
Audio samples
What words should you learn first?
When you set out to learn a new language, it can be hard to decide what words to learn first. But for most people, the best words to start with are the most common words in the language.
Besides these, you’ll also want to learn some less common words that are important for your specific situation. For example, if you are a student, you’ll probably want to learn words like “student,” “teacher,” “exam,” and “class” much earlier than other people who are not students.
You will also want to know words for things that are common in Turkish culture that you are not used to using in your everyday life in your home country. For example, Americans don’t tend to use eggplant as a basic ingredient in everyday cooking, but it is very common in Turkish dishes.
Finally, there are some words that you will need to know in order to get things done. For example, if you are getting ready to go looking for a place to rent, you should brush up on your vocabulary for concepts like “apartment building,” “for rent,” “realtor,” etc.
The problem(s) with frequency lists
There are several lists available on the Internet that claim to be the most common words in Turkish. These are called “frequency lists.” However, not all the frequency lists are the same. Each list has its pros and cons based on how they were collected and what sources they used:
One list we found was apparently compiled from written materials online like news articles. The problem with this is that it is the most common words in written Turkish, not in spoken Turkish. Lists like those will have a lot of words for complex ideas and will be heavy on concepts like politics that you might not need to learn early in your language learning journey.
Another frequency list we looked at was compiled using subtitles from movies and TV shows. That list is more helpful for learning the most common words in spoken Turkish. However, the majority of the content that list was compiled from was from English language shows translated into Turkish. So some of the words in the list that are “common” in shows are not very common in daily speech. Plus, the way they counted words as different from each other splits up different forms of the same verb into separate “words,” so it counts all verbs as much less common than they actually are.
How we made this Turkish frequency list
We have compiled just over 1000 of the most common words in Turkish – words that every language learner will need to learn and use in the first few months of language learning, regardless of your specific context.
To make this list, we started with the list of the top 1000 words in written Turkish. From this list, we removed a lot of the words that are common in things like newspapers but not as common in everyday speech.
We also added words from a list of the first 1800 words that a Turkish language learner recorded in the first few months of language learning. From this list, we removed a lot of the words that were necessary for that language learner’s specific situation. From this list we added in words like “lavabo” (bathroom / sink) and “mahalle” (neighborhood). These words don’t show up in frequency lists but are really important for foreigners to learn early on.
We also removed a lot of common grammatical words like “için” (for) and “ki” (“the one that is…”). We did this because it is only helpful for you to know what these words mean if you know how to use them in a sentence. For learning grammar words like these, we recommend you learn them one-by-one, each in a separate lesson.
We also provided our own English translation of each word. For this, we tried to make the definition as simple and easy-to-memorize as possible. For words with more than one common meaning, we included each meaning separated by a comma.
The result is a balanced list of the most common and most important words for language learners to learn in their first few months.
Here's the list: the 1000+ most common words in Turkish
Feel free to copy/paste this list of words into a spreadsheet, import them into your favorite flashcard app, print them out or use them in any other way that is helpful for your personal language learning.
You can also feel free to distribute them elsewhere for free – just make sure to leave a link to this page to show where you got the list from.
If you see any issues with the list we’ve made, or if you think we left something out, please let us know in the comments section below.
Turkish | English meaning(s) |
Abi | Older brother |
Abla | Older sister |
Acaba | I wonder |
Acı | Pain, bitter, spicy |
Açık | Open |
Acıkmak | To be hungry |
Acil | Emergency |
Açmak | To open |
Ad | Name |
Adam | Man |
Adet | Piece, unit |
Adım | Step |
Adres | Address |
Ağaç | Tree |
Ağır | Heavy |
Ağız | Mouth |
Ağlamak | To cry |
Aile | Family |
Akıl | Mind |
Akıllı | Smart, clever |
Akmak | To flow |
Akşam | Evening |
Alan | Area |
Alışmak | To adjust |
Alışveriş yapmak | To go shopping |
Allah | God |
Almak | To take |
Altı | Six |
Altın | Gold |
Altmış | Sixty |
Ama | But |
Amaç | Purpose |
Amca | Uncle (father's brother) |
An | Moment |
Anlam | Meaning |
Anlamak | To understand |
Anlaşılmak | To be understood |
Anlatmak | To explain |
Anne | Mother |
Apartman | Apartment building |
Araba | Car |
Araç | Tool, vehicle |
Aralık | December |
Aramak | To search for, to call (on the phone) |
Araştırmak | To research |
Arı | Bee |
Arkadaş | Friend |
Armut | Pear |
Artık | Anymore (these days) |
Artmak | To increase |
Asıl | Actual |
Aşırı | Extreme |
Aşk | Romantic love |
Asker | Soldier |
Asla | Never |
Aslında | Actually |
At | Horse |
Ateş | Fire |
Atlamak | To jump |
Atmak | To throw |
Ay | Moon, month |
Ayak | Foot |
Ayakkabı | Shoe |
Ayı | Bear |
Ayırmak | To separate |
Ayna | Mirror |
Aynı | Similar |
Ayrı | Separate |
Ayrılmak | To be separated |
Az | Little |
Baba | Dad |
Bacak | Leg |
Bağırmak | To shout |
Bağlamak | To tie, to connect |
Bahçe | Garden |
Bakan | Minister (government) |
Bakış | View |
Bakmak | To look |
Balık | Fish |
Banka | Bank |
Bant | Tape, band, strip |
Banyo | Bathroom (with a shower or bath) |
Bardak | Glass (cup) |
Barış | Peace (not at war) |
Baş | Head |
Başarı | Success |
Basit | Basic, simple |
Başka | Other |
Başkan | President, chairman |
Baskı | Pressure |
Başlamak | To start |
Basmak | To step, to press |
Batı | West |
Batmak | To sink |
Battaniye | Blanket |
Bayrak | Flag |
Bayram | Holiday |
Bazen | Sometimes |
Bazı | Some |
Bebek | Baby |
Bedava | Free |
Beden | Body (or clothing size) |
Beğenmek | To like |
Bekâr | Single (not married) |
Beklemek | To wait |
Bel | Waist, lower back |
Belediye | Municipality |
Belge | Document |
Belki | Maybe |
Belli | Clear, obvious |
Benzemek | To look like |
Benzin | Gasoline |
Beraber | Together |
Beş | Five |
Bey | Mr. |
Beyaz | White |
Beyin | Brain |
Bez | Cloth (or diaper) |
Bıçak | Knife |
Biçim | Shape |
Bilet | Ticket |
Bilgi | Information |
Bilgisayar | Computer |
Bilim | Science |
Bilmek | To know |
Bin | Thousand |
Bina | Building |
Binmek | To ride, to get on (a bus) |
Bir | One |
Bırakmak | To leave something |
Biraz | A little |
Birçok | A lot |
Biri | Someone, one of them |
Birinci | First |
Birisi | Someone |
Birkaç | A few |
Birlikte | Together |
Bitirmek | To finish (something) |
Bitki | Plant |
Bitmek | To be finished |
Böcek | Bug |
Boğaz | Throat |
Bölge | Region |
Bölmek | To divide |
Bölüm | Division, chapter |
Boru | Pipe |
Boş | Empty |
Boşaltmak | To empty (something) |
Boşanmak | To get divorced |
Boy | Size |
Boyamak | To paint, to dye (something) |
Boyun | Neck |
Bozuk | Broken (stopped working) |
Bozulmak | To be broken (stop working) |
Bugün | Today |
Bulmak | To find |
Buluşmak | To meet up with |
Burada | Here, at/in this place |
Burası | This place |
Burun | Nose |
Bütün | All, entire |
Büyük | Big |
Büyümek | To grow (bigger) |
Çabuk | Quick |
Cadde | Street |
Çağırmak | To invite, to call |
Çalışmak | To work |
Çalmak | To steal, to play (an instrument) |
Cam | Glasses |
Çamaşır | Laundry |
Cami | Mosque |
Can | Life, soul |
Canlı | Alive, live broadcast |
Çanta | Bag (backpack, purse) |
Çarpmak | To crash |
Çarşamba | Wednesday |
Çatal | Fork |
Çay | Tea |
Çaydanlık | Teapot |
Çekmek | To pull |
Çeşit | Type, variety |
Cevap vermek | To answer |
Çevirmek | To flip, to translate something |
Çevre | Environment |
Çeyrek | Quarter (25%) |
Ceza | Punishment |
Çiçek | Flower |
Ciddi | Serious |
Çift | Double |
Çiftçi | Farmer |
Cihaz | Electronic device |
Çıkarmak | To take off, to remove |
Çıkmak | To leave, climb |
Çirkin | Ugly |
Çizgi | Line, drawing |
Çocuk | Child |
Çok | Very, many |
Çorap | Sock |
Çözmek | To solve, to untie |
Çözüm | Resolution |
Cuma | Friday |
Cumartesi | Saturday |
Cümle | Sentence |
Çünkü | Because |
Dağ | Mountain |
Daha az | Less |
Daha çok | More |
Daire | Apartment, circle |
Dakika | Minute |
Damla | Drop (of liquid) |
Dans etmek | To dance |
Davet etmek | To invite |
Davranış | behavior |
Davranmak | To behave (in a certain way) |
Dayanmak | To endure |
Defter | Notebook |
Değer | Value |
Değil | Not |
Değişmek | (For something) to change |
Değiştirmek | To change (something) |
Delik | Hole |
Demek | To say, it means... |
Denemek | To try |
Denge | Balance |
Deniz | Sea |
Deprem | Earthquake |
Derece | Degrees (temperature) |
Deri | Skin |
Derin | Deep |
Ders | Class |
Destek | Support |
Devam etmek | To continue |
Devlet | Government |
Diğer | The other (one) |
Dik | Steep |
Dikkat etmek | To be careful |
Dil | Tongue (or language) |
Din | Religion |
Dinlemek | To listen |
Dinlenmek | To rest |
Dirilmek | To be resurrected |
Diş | Tooth |
Diz | Knee |
Doğal | Natural |
Doğal gaz | Natural Gas |
Doğmak | To be born |
Doğru | Right |
Doğu | East |
Doksan | Ninety |
Doktor | Doctor |
Dokuz | Nine |
Dolap | Cabinet |
Dolaşmak | To wander |
Doldurmak | To fill |
Dolu | Full |
Dondurma | Ice cream |
Dönem | Period (of time) |
Döner | Shaved Meat |
Dönmek | To turn |
Dört | Four |
Dost | Best friend |
Dosya | Folder |
Döviz | Foreign currency (esp. Dollars, Euro) |
Düğün | Wedding celebration |
Dükkan | Shop |
Duman | Smoke |
Dün | Yesterday |
Dünya | Earth, world |
Durmak | To stop |
Durum | Situation |
Dürüm | Sandwich wrap |
Duş almak | To take a shower |
Düşmek | To fall |
Düşünce | Thought |
Düşünmek | To think |
Duvar | Wall |
Duygu | Emotion, sense |
Duymak | To hear, to sense |
Düz | Straight |
Düzeltmek | To correct |
Düzenlemek | To organize |
Eğitim | Education |
Ek | Addition, suffix |
Ekim | October |
Eklemek | To add (common speech) |
Ekmek | Bread |
Ekonomi | Economy |
Eksik | Missing |
El | Hand |
Elbette | Certainly |
Eldiven | Glove |
Elektrik | Electricity, electric |
Eleman | Worker |
Elli | Fifty |
Elma | Apple |
Emekli | Retired |
Emin | Certain |
Emlakçı | Realtor |
En | Most (or width) |
Enerji | Energy |
Enflasyon | Inflation |
Engel | Barrier |
Engelli | Disabled |
Erimek | To melt |
Erkek | Boy (or male) |
Erken | Early |
Eş | Spouse, companion |
Eşit | Equal |
Eski | Old |
Eskiden | In the past |
Eşya | Furnishings, stuff |
Et | Meat, flesh |
Etki | Effect |
Etkilemek | To affect |
Etmek | To do |
Ev | Home |
Ev sahibi | Home owner |
Evet | Yes |
Evlenmek | To marry |
Evli | Married |
Eylül | September |
Fabrika | Factory |
Fakat | But |
Fakir | Poor |
Falan filan | Etc |
Fare | Mouse (animal or for computer) |
Fark | Difference |
Fark etmek | To notice |
Farketmez | It doesn't matter |
Farklı | Different |
Fazla | Too much |
Fikir | Idea |
Film | Movie (film) |
Fincan | (Tea or turkish coffee) cup |
Fırsat | Opportunity |
Fiş | Receipt, electrical plug |
Fiyat | Price |
Fotoğraf | Photograph |
Galiba | Probably |
Gayet | Really, quite |
Gaz | Gas (but not gasoline) |
Gazete | Newspaper (gazette) |
Geç | Late |
Geç kalmak | To be late |
Gece | Night |
Geçen | Last (week, month, year), one that passes |
Geçici | Temporary |
Geçmek | To pass |
Geçmiş | Past |
Gelecek | Next, future |
Gelenek | Tradition |
Gelir | Income |
Gelmek | To come |
Genç | Young (person) |
Gene | Again |
Genel | General |
Genellikle | Generally |
Geniş | Wide (or loose fitting) |
Gerçek | True, truth |
Gerçekten | Really |
Gerekli | Needed |
Gerekmek | To be needed |
Geri gelmek | To come back |
Geri vermek | To give back |
Getirmek | To bring |
Gezmek | To explore |
Gibi | Like, similar to |
Gıda | Food (market) |
Giriş | Entrance |
Girmek | To enter |
Gitmek | To go |
Giymek | To put on (clothing) |
Giysi | Outfit (clothing) |
Gizli | Secret (private) |
Göbek | Stomach, belly, center |
Göçmen | Refugee |
Gök | Sky (or heaven) |
Göl | Lake |
Göndermek | To send |
Gönül | Heart, soul |
Görev | Duty |
Görmek | To see |
Görünmek | To appear |
Görüşmek | To talk with, to meet with |
Göstermek | To show |
Götürmek | To take something somewhere |
Göz | Eye |
Gözlük | Glasses |
Gri | Grey |
Grip | Flu |
Grup | Group |
Güç | Strength |
Güçlü | Strong |
Güle güle | Bye |
Gülmek | To laugh (or smile) |
Gülümsemek | To smile |
Gümüş | Silver |
Gün | Day |
Günah | Sin |
Güneş | Sun |
Güney | South |
Güven | Trust |
Güvenlik | Security |
Güvenmek | To trust |
Güzel | Good, pretty |
Haber | News |
Hadi | Hurry, let's go |
Hafif | Light (weight) |
Hafta | Week |
Hafta sonu | Weekend |
Hâkim | Judge |
Haklı | Right (justified in saying something) |
Hal | State, status |
Hâlâ | Still |
Halı | Carpet |
Halk | People (people group) |
Hamburger | Hamburger |
Hangi | Which |
Hanım | Mrs. |
Hapishane | Jail |
Harcamak | To spend |
Hareket | Activity |
Harika | Wonderful |
Harita | Map |
Hasta | Sick |
Hastane | Hospital |
Hata | Mistake, imperfection |
Hatırlamak | To remember |
Hava | Air |
Havaalanı | Airport |
Havlu | Towel |
Havuz | Pool |
Hayal etmek | To dream, imagine |
Hayat | Life |
Hayır | No |
Hayvan | Animal |
Hayvanat bahçesi | Zoo |
Hazır | Ready |
Haziran | June |
Hedef | Target, goal |
Hediye | Gift |
Hemen | Right now |
Henüz | Not yet |
Hep | All |
Hepsi | All (of a group) |
Her | Every |
Her gün | Every day |
Her şey | Everything |
Her zaman | All the time |
Herhalde | Probably |
Herhangi | Whichever |
Herkes | Everyone |
Hesap | Account |
Hesap makinası | Calculator |
Heyecanlanmak | To be excited |
Heyecanlı | Excited |
Hiçbir | None |
Hikâye | Story |
Hırdavatçı | Hardware store |
Hissetmek | To feel (emotion) |
Hızlı | Fast |
Hizmet etmek | To serve |
Hoca | Teacher |
Hoş | Nice |
İbadet | Worship |
İçecek | Drink |
İçmek | To drink |
İğne | Needle (or syringe) |
İhtiyaç | Need (basic need) |
İki | Two |
İkram etmek | To treat, to give something for free |
İl | Province |
İlaç | Medicine |
İlçe | District (section of a province) |
İlgi | Interest |
İlginç | Interesting (or strange) |
İlişki | Relationship |
İlk | First |
İlkbahar | Spring |
İmkânsız | Impossible |
İmza | Signature |
İnanç | Faith |
İnanmak | To believe |
İnce | Thin |
İndirim | Discount |
İnek | Cow |
İngilizce | English (language) |
İnmek | To get off |
İnşaat | Construction |
İnsan | Person |
İnternet | Internet |
İp | Thread |
İptal etmek | To cancel |
İş | Work (profession) |
İşçi | Worker |
Işık | Light |
İsim | Name |
Islak | Wet |
İşlem | Process |
İstemek | To want |
İyi | Good |
İzin | Permission, permit |
İzin vermek | To give permission |
İzlemek | To watch, to follow |
Kaba | Rude |
Kablo | Cable |
Kabul etmek | To accept |
Kaç | How many |
Kaçmak | To escape |
Kadar | Quantity |
Kadın | Woman |
Kafa | Head |
Kâğıt | Paper |
Kahraman | Hero |
Kahvaltı | Breakfast |
Kahve | Coffee |
Kahverengi | Brown |
Kalabalık | Crowded (or crowd) |
Kaldırmak | To remove |
Kalem | Pen (or other writing utensil) |
Kalıcı | Permanent |
Kalın | Thick |
Kalite | Quality |
Kalkmak | To rise |
Kalmak | To stay |
Kâlp | Heart |
Kan | Blood |
Kanal | Canal, channel |
Kanepe | Couch |
Kanun | Law |
Kapak | Cover |
Kapatmak | To close (something) |
Kapı | Door |
Karanlık | Darkness |
Karar vermek | To decide |
Kardeş | Sibling |
Karı | Wife |
Karın | Stomach |
Karıştırmak | To mix |
Karşı | Opposite side, against |
Kart | Card |
Kasa | Checkout |
Kasaba | Town |
Kaşık | Spoon |
Kasım | November |
Kat | Floor (layer) |
Katılmak | To join, to agree |
Kavşak | Roundabout |
Kaya | Boulder |
Kaybetmek | To lose |
Kayıt | Record |
Kaymak | To slide, skate (or whipped cream) |
Kaynak | Source |
Kaza | Crash, accident |
Kazanmak | To win |
Kebap | Kabob |
Keçi | Goat |
Kedi | Cat |
Kelime | Word |
Kenar | Edge |
Kent | City |
Kesilmek | To be cut, to be turned off |
Kesin | Certain |
Kesinlikle | Certainly |
Kesmek | To cut |
Kibar | Polite |
Kılıç | Sword |
Kilim | Carpet, floor mat |
Kilitlemek | To lock |
Kılmak | To do, to make, to perform |
Kilo | Kilogram |
Kilometre | Kilometer |
Kim | Who |
Kimlik | Identity |
Kırk | Forty |
Kirli | Dirty |
Kırmızı | Red |
Kış | Winter |
Kısa | Short |
Kişi | Person |
Kısım | Part |
Kitap | Book |
Kız | Girl |
Kız çocuk | Girl, daughter |
Kız kardeş | Sister |
Kızarmak | To fry, to turn red |
Kızgın | Angry, hot |
Koca | Husband (or huge) |
Koku | Smell |
Kol | Arm |
Kol saati | Wrist watch |
Kolay | Easy |
Koltuk | Couch (or armchair) |
Kombi | Natural gas water heater |
Komik | Funny |
Kontrol etmek | To check |
Konu | Topic |
Konuşmak | To talk |
Köpek | Dog |
Kör | Blind |
Köri | Curry |
Koridor | Aisle |
Korkmak | To be afraid |
Korumak | To protect |
Köşe | Corner |
Koşmak | To run |
Kötü | Bad |
Kötülük | Evil |
Köy | Village |
Koymak | To put |
Koyu | Dark, intense |
Koyun | Sheep |
Kral | King |
Kredi | Credit (loan) |
Kriz | Crisis |
Küçük | Small |
Kulak | Ear |
Kullanmak | To use |
Kültür | Culture |
Kum | Sand |
Kumanda | Remote control |
Kurabiye | Cookie |
Kural | Rule |
Kurbağa | Frog |
Kurban etmek | To sacrifice (an animal) |
Kurmak | To build (a building), to establish (an organization) |
Kurt | Wolf |
Kurtarmak | To save, to rescue |
Kurtulmak | To be saved, rescued |
Kuru | Dry |
Kuş | Bird |
Kusura bakma | I'm sorry (informal apology) |
Kusursuz | Flawless, perfect |
Kutlamak | To celebrate |
Kutu | Box |
Kuzey | North |
Laf | Word, empty words |
Lastik | Tire |
Lavabo | Bathroom, bathroom sink |
Lâzım | Needed |
Lezzetli | Flavorful, good tasting |
Lider | Leader |
Limon | Lemon |
Lira | Lira (Turkish unit of money) |
Lise | High school |
Lüks | Luxurious |
Lütfen | Please |
Maç | Sports match |
Madde | Material |
Mağaza | Store |
Mahalle | Neighborhood (part of an ilçe) |
Makine | Machine |
Mal | Goods, property |
Malzeme | Ingredient, material |
Mantık | Logic |
Manzara | Scenery |
Marka | Brand |
Mart | March |
Masa | Table |
Mavi | Blue |
Maya | Yeast |
Mayıs | May |
Meclis | Parliament |
Medya | Media |
Mektup | Letter (mail) |
Memleket | Homeland |
Merak etmek | To worry, to be curious |
Merdiven | Stairs, ladder |
Merhaba | Hello |
Merkez | Center |
Mesafe | Distance |
Mesaj | Message (usually text message) |
Mesela | For example |
Mesele | Issue, matter |
Meslek | Profession |
Metal | Metal |
Metre | Meter (or tape measure) |
Metre kare | Square meters |
Meydan | City square, commons |
Meyve | Fruit |
Mide | Stomach |
Miktar | Amount |
Millet | People, nation |
Milyar | Billion |
Milyon | Million |
Miras | Inheritance |
Misafir | Guest |
Mısır | Corn, Egypt |
Mor | Purple |
Müdür | Manager |
Mum | Candle |
Mümkün | Possible |
Müsait | Available |
Müşteri | Customer |
Mutfak | Kitchen |
Mutlaka | Absolutely |
Mutlu | Happy |
Mutsuz | Unhappy |
Müzik | Music |
Nakit | Cash |
Nasıl | How |
Ne | What |
Neden | Why |
Nefes almak | To breathe |
Nehir | River |
Nerede | Where |
Neredeyse | Almost |
Net | Clear, plain |
Neyse | Anyway |
Nisan | April |
Nişanlı | Engaged |
Niye | Why (informal) |
Nöbetçi | Open during late hours (ER, eczane, etc) |
Nokta | Point (or period) |
Normal | Normal |
Normalde | Normally |
Numara | Number |
Öbür | The other (one) |
Ocak | January (or stove) |
Oda | Room |
Ödemek | To pay (money) |
Odun | Log |
Öğrenci | Student |
Öğretmek | To teach |
Öğretmen | Teacher |
Oğul | Son |
Okul | School |
Okumak | To read, study |
Okyanus | Ocean |
Olay | Event |
Oldukça | Really |
Öldürmek | To kill |
Olmak | To be, to become |
Ölmek | To die |
Ölüm | Death |
Olur | Okay |
On | Ten |
Onaylamak | To condone, accept |
Önce | Before |
Önemli | Important |
Orman | Forest |
Örneğin | For example |
Örnek | Example |
Orta | Middle, center |
Ortak | Shared |
Örümcek | Spider |
Ot | Feed (for an animal) |
Otel | Hotel |
Otobüs | Bus |
Otomobil | Automobile |
Oturmak | To sit |
Otuz | Thirty |
Öykü | Story |
Öyle | That way, like that |
Oynamak | To play |
Oyun | Game |
Oyuncak | Toy |
Özel | Special |
Özellikle | Especially |
Özgür | Free (not enslaved) |
Özlemek | To miss (someone) |
Özür dilerim | I'm sorry (for a wrong I've done) |
Pahalı | Expensive |
Pamuk | Cotton |
Pantolon | Pants |
Para | Money |
Parça | Part |
Parmak | Finger |
Parti | Party |
Pastane | Bakery |
Patlamak | To explode, to pop |
Patlıcan | Eggplant |
Patron | Employer, boss |
Paylaşmak | To share |
Pazar | Sunday (or bazaar) |
Pazartesi | Monday |
Pek | Very |
Peki | Well |
Pembe | Pink |
Pencere | Window |
Perde | Curtains |
Perşembe | Thursday |
Peşin | Paid up front (not in installments) |
Pişman | Regretful |
Plan | Plan |
Polis | Police officer |
Portakal | Orange |
Problem | Problem |
Program | Schedule, computer program |
Proje | Project |
Puan | Point (in a game) |
Rahat | Comfortable |
Reddetmek | To refuse |
Reklam | Advertisement |
Renk | Color |
Resim | Picture |
Ruh | Spirit |
Rüya | Dream |
Rüzgâr | Wind |
Saat | Time, hour |
Sabah | Morning |
Sabırlı | Patient |
Sabun | Soap |
Saç | Hair |
Sade | Plain, unsweetened |
Sadece | Only |
Sağlamak | To provide |
Sağlık | health |
Sağol | Thanks |
Sahip | Owner |
Sakin | Calm |
Saklamak | To store, to hide (something) |
Salatalık | Cucumber |
Salı | Tuesday |
Salon | Living room |
Sanat | Art |
Sandalye | Chair |
Saniye | Second |
Sanki | As if |
Sanmak | To think, suppose |
Şans | Chance |
Şapka | Hat |
Sarı | Yellow |
Şarj | Charge (for a phone or other device) |
Şarkı | Song |
Şart | Condition, need |
Satın almak | To purchase |
Satmak | To sell |
Savaş | War |
Sayfa | Page |
Saygı | Respect |
Sayı | Number |
Sebep | Reason, cause |
Sebze | Vegetable |
Seçim | Choice, election |
Seçmek | To choose |
Şehir | City |
Sehpa | Coffee table |
Şeker | Sugar |
Şekil | Shape |
Sekiz | Eight |
Seksen | Eighty |
Sene | Year |
Sepet | Basket |
Serbest | Free (independent) |
Sert | Hard, harsh |
Servis | Shuttle, place setting |
Ses | Sound |
Ses kaydı | Sound recording |
Sevgi | Love |
Sevinmek | To rejoice, to be happy |
Sevmek | To love |
Şey | Thing |
Seyretmek | To watch |
Sıcak | Warm, friendly |
Şifre | Password |
Sigara | Cigarette |
Sigorta | Insurance |
Şiir | Poem |
Şikayet etmek | To complain |
Sıkılmak | To be bored with |
Sıkıntı | Trouble |
Silah | Weapon |
Silmek | To erase |
Şimdi | Now |
Sınav | Exam |
Sinek | Fly (or other similar bug) |
Sınıf | Class |
Sınır | Border, limit |
Sinirlenmek | To be angry |
Sipariş vermek | To place an order |
Sıra | Turn, queue |
Sirke | Vinegar |
Şirket | Company |
Sırt | Back |
Şişe | Bottle |
Sistem | System |
Sıvı | Liquid |
Siyah | Black |
Siyaset | Politics |
Soğuk | Cold |
Sohbet etmek | To chat |
Sokak | Street, side road |
Sokmak | To insert, to sting |
Sol | Left |
Son | Last |
Sonbahar | Fall |
Sonra | After |
Sonsuz | Forever |
Sonuç | Result |
Sormak | To ask |
Soru | Question |
Sorun | Problem |
Sos | Sauce |
Sosyal | Social |
Sote | Saute |
Söylemek | To say |
Söz | Word, promise |
Spor yapmak | To exercise |
Su | Water |
Şubat | February |
Suç | Crime, fault |
Sunmak | To offer, present |
Şüphe | Suspicion, doubt |
Süre | Duration |
Sürekli | Continuously |
Sürmek | To spread, to drive |
Sürpriz | Surprise |
Sürücü | Driver |
Susamak | To be thirsty |
Süt | Milk |
Tabak | Plate |
Tabii | Of course |
Tahmin etmek | To predict |
Tahta | Wood |
Takım | Team |
Takip etmek | To follow |
Takmak | To hang up, to attach |
Taksit | Payment in installments |
Talep | Request |
Tam | Exact, whole |
Tamam | Okay, finished |
Tamir etmek | To repair |
Tane | Piece, unit |
Tanımak | To know (person) |
Tanışmak | To meet (for the first time) |
Taraf | Side |
Tarih | Date, history |
Tartışmak | To argue |
Tarz | Style |
Taş | Stone |
Taşımak | To carry, to move |
Tatil | Vacation |
Tatlı | Sweet, dessert |
Tavan | Ceiling |
Tavşan | Rabbit |
Tavsiye etmek | To recommend |
Taze | Fresh |
Tebrik etmek | To congratulate |
Tedavi | Therapy |
Tehlike | Danger |
Tek | Single, only |
Teknik | Technical, tecnique |
Teknoloji | Technology |
Tekrar | Again |
Telefon | Telephone |
Televizyon | Television |
Tembel | Lazy |
Temel | Foundation |
Temiz | Clean |
Temizlemek | To clean (something) |
Temmuz | July |
Tencere | Pot |
Tepe | Hill |
Tepki | Reaction |
Tepsi | Tray |
Ter | Sweat |
Tercih etmek | To prefer |
Terlik | Slippers |
Ters | Backwards |
Teyze | Aunt (Mother's sister) |
Tip | Type |
Top | Ball |
Toplam | Total |
Toplamak | To gather (or add numbers) |
Toplantı | Meeting |
Toplum | Society |
Toprak | Dirt |
Toz | Dust (or powder) |
Trafik | Traffic |
Tren | Train |
Tüm | All, entire |
Tür | Type |
Türkçe | Turkish |
Turuncu | Orange (the color, not the fruit) |
Tutmak | To catch, to hold |
Tuvalet | Toilet |
Tuz | Salt |
Uç | Point |
Üç | Three |
Uçak | Airplane |
Uçmak | To fly |
Ücret | Price (or salary) |
Üçüncü | Third |
Ucuz | Cheap |
Ufak | Tiny |
Uğraşmak | To struggle |
Ulaşmak | To arrive |
Ülke | Country |
Uluslararası | International |
Ummak | To hope |
Üniversite | University |
Ünlü | Famous |
Unutmak | To forget |
Ürün | Product |
Usta | Expert, craftsman |
Üşümek | To be cold |
Utanmak | To be shy |
Uyanık | Awake |
Üye | Member |
Uygulamak | To apply |
Uygun | Available |
Uymak | To obey, to fit |
Uyumak | To sleep |
Uzak | Far |
Uzanmak | To lie down |
Uzatmak | To extend |
Üzgün | Sad |
Uzman | Expert |
Üzüm | Grapes |
Uzun | Long, tall |
Vakit | Time |
Varmak | To arrive |
Vatandaş | Citizen |
Vazgeçmek | To change one's mind |
Ve | And |
Vergi | Tax |
Vermek | To give |
Veya | Or |
Vücut | Body |
Vurmak | To hit |
WC | Bathroom (water closet) |
Ya da | Or |
Yabancı | Foreigner |
Yağ | Oil, fat |
Yağmur | Rain |
Yakalamak | To catch |
Yakın | Near |
Yaklaşık | Approximately |
Yaklaşmak | To get closer |
Yakmak | To light (a fire, stove) |
Yalnız | Alone |
Yani | In other words |
Yanıt | Answer |
Yanlış | Wrong |
Yanmak | To burn |
Yapı | Structure |
Yapmak | To do |
Yaprak | Leaf |
Yara | Injury |
Yaratmak | To create |
Yardım etmek | To help |
Yarım | Half |
Yaş | Age |
Yasa | Law |
Yaşam | Life |
Yaşamak | To live |
Yaşlı | Old (person) |
Yatak | Bed |
Yatmak | To lie down |
Yavaş | Slow |
Yaygın | Common, widespread |
Yaz | Summer |
Yazar | Author |
Yazmak | To write |
Yedek | Extra |
Yedi | Seven |
Yemek | To Eat |
Yeni | New |
Yer | Place, floor |
Yeşil | Green |
Yetenek | Skill |
Yeterli | Enough |
Yetmiş | Seventy |
Yıl | Year |
Yılan | Snake |
Yıldız | Star |
Yine | Again |
Yirmi | Twenty |
Yiyecek | Food |
Yoğun | Thick, busy |
Yoğurt | Yogurt |
Yoksa | Or |
Yol | Road, path |
Yön | Direction |
Yönetici | Manager |
Yönetmek | To lead |
Yöntem | Method |
Yorulmak | To be exhausted |
Yorum | Comment |
Yüksek | High |
Yumurta | Egg |
Yumuşak | Soft |
Yurt dışı | Outside the country |
Yurt içi | Domestic (inside the country) |
Yürümek | To walk |
Yuvarlak | Round |
Yüz | Face, 100 |
Yüzde | Percent |
Yüzyıl | Century |
Zafer | Victory |
Zaman | Time |
Zarar | Damage |
Zarf | Envelope, adverb |
Zaten | Anyway, already |
Zayıf | Thin, weak |
Zehir | Poison |
Zeki | Intelligent |
Zemin | Ground (floor) |
Zengin | Rich |
Zevk | Pleasure |
Zeytin | Olive |
Zil | Doorbell |
Zor | Difficult |
I really find this list of common 1000 Turkish words useful. I am looking forward to more vacab list. Thank you very much.
İt would be amazing if you could offer this list ranked by frequency. 🙏
Hi Rabih, thanks for the suggestion. I agree that would be a very useful list. However, since I built this list by combining several other lists and manually editing it, it would be very difficult to go back and order it by frequency. If you want a list that is ordered by frequency, I recommend the list on Wiktionary (https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Wiktionary:Frequency_lists/Turkish), with the caveat that this list is more of a frequency list for written Turkish and not necessarily for spoken Turkish.
What’s the difference between veya and yoksa?
“Yoksa” is used for mutually exclusive things. It is similar to the phrase “or else” in English. It can also mean “if it doesn’t exist.” “Veya,” on the other hand, is a more general word for “or” that can be applied to things that aren’t mutually exclusive. Another way of saying “or” is “ya da,” which is similar to “veya” but more conversational and less formal.