Continuation of a verb (‑agelmek)

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Prerequisites for this Turkish Grammar Lesson

Continuation of a verb

-ıp durmak
-ıp kalmak
-a dur

Adding “quick” or “easy” connotations to verbs


Relative clauses using -an/en/yan/yen

Handling irregular verbs
Relative clauses in place of nouns

Continuing to this day (‑agelmek)

Grammar form:

  • Verb + (y) + a/e + gel + (any tense)

This grammar form is an uncommon form mainly used for formal writing and speech. It most commonly occurs with the following verbs:

  • Sürmek / sürdürmek (to continue)
  • Alışmak / alışılmak (to become accustomed)
  • Söylenmek (to be said)
  • Yapılmak (to be done)
  • Olmak (to be)

This grammatical form is similar to the -ıp durmak form in that it is used for expressing that an action has been happening continuously. Unlike the ‑ıp durmak form, however, the ‑agelmek form is used to emphasize that a certain action has been occurring for a long time up to the present day.

    Toplumda süregelen bazı gelenek ve görenekler doğru olmayabilir.
    Some ongoing traditions and customs in society may not be right.
    (Part of a middle school homework question)

    Daha başlangıçta yola çıkışımda ona karşı sonsuz bir hayranlık duymuştum, o hayranlık hep süregeldi.
    Even at the beginning, as I was starting out, my admiration for her was endless; that admiration always continued.
    (Quote by Selim İleri about Leyla Erbil)

    Tüm sanat dalları, zamanın şartlarından beslenerek birbirleri ile etkileşim halinde varlıklarını sürdüregelmiştir.
    All the branches of the arts, being influenced by the conditions of their respective eras, have maintained their presence by interacting with one another.
    (From the About Us page on an Arts Center web site)

    Alışılagelmiş düzen içinde başlayan kitaplar çocukları rahatlatır, onların kendilerini güvende hissetmelerini sağlar.
    Books that begin in a pattern that has been made familiar calm children down; they help them to feel safe.
    (Part of test question)

    Bu yapısıyla tiyatro, bütün tarihi boyunca zorunlu biçimde politik olagelmiştir.
    In this framework, theater has been forced to be political throughout all of history.
    (Excerpt from book)

    Eski çağlardan beri söylenegelen, olağanüstü varlıkları, olayları konu edinen hayalî hikâyelere ne denir?
    Imaginary stories that have been told since ages past, whose subjects are supernatural creatures and events, are called what?
    (Test question)

    Yaz Olimpiyatları, 1896’dan beri Dünya Savaşları istisnaları hariç her dört yılda bir yapılagelmiştir.
    The Summer Olympics have taken place once every four years since 1896 except for during the World Wars.
    (Excerpt from short essay)

Exception: çıkagelmek

When the ‑agelmek verb form appears with the çıkmak verb, it has a different meaning. Rather than having a meaning of continuing to the present day (as the other verbs do with ‑agelmek), “çıkagelmek” means “to appear suddenly.” In this way, the ‑agelmek verb ending resembles the -ivermek ending when paired with the çıkmak verb.

    Taziye evine akın eden akrabalar ağıt yakarken öldü denilen baba elinde poşetle çıkageldi!
    As relatives were gathering to mourn at the funeral home, the father who was said to be dead suddenly appeared with a bag in his hand!
    (Title of news story)

    Bu temel malzemelerin yanında, zor durumlarında pelerinleriyle çıkagelecek ürünler de var.
    Aside from these basic necessities, there are products that in hard times will show up with their capes (and save the day).
    (From the Pegasus Airlines blog)

    İşler iyi giderken bir gün iki zabıta çıkagelmiş.
    While the business was going along well, one day two policemen showed up.
    (Excerpt from a book)

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