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Prerequisites for this Turkish Listening Comprehension Lesson
Since, because of-dığı için
Searching for İsmail
The following is a real life story told by A.A., shared here with his permission.
The Story in Turkish
Bir gün İsmail kuzenimin sünnet düğününe katıldı. Saat da geç olduğu için eve gitmedi. Eve gitmediği için de… (babasına haber vermedi) … babası da İsmail kayboldu diye ortalığa düşmüş, İsmail’i arıyor - her yerde. Karakollara gitmiş, hastanelere gitmiş. En son sabah İsmail’i buldu babası, bizim evde.
English Translation
One day, İsmail attended my cousin’s circumcision celebration. Since it was late, he didn’t go home. Because he didn’t go home… (he didn’t tell his father) … his father started looking for İsmail everywhere thinking he was lost. He went to police stations and hospitals. Finally, in the morning, his father found İsmail at our house.